The Reasons why you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app and how to fix it.


Just like any other SNS, Facebook allows you to share information with other users and befriend them.

In sharing your information, you can choose to share with all users or to limit the sharing to just friends.

In order to befriend someone, you first need to send a friend request, but there are times when you will be unable to do so on the app.

Please do read on if you happen to be in a situation where you are unable to send friend requests.

Reasons why you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app

Below are the reasons why you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app.

Limitation on requests

If you can’t find the [add friend] button, it is likely that there is a limitation on friend requests.

You can limit others from sending you friend requests.

It is likely that such limitations has been placed through the settings.

Request function has been suspended

There are occasions where your ability to send friend requests will be suspended depending on how you add friends.

Your ability to add friends will be temporarily suspended if someone who you sent a request to doesn’t recognize you and reports you.

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What to do when you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app

You’ll find below the solutions to when you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app.

Limitation on requests

If the request limitation has been placed through the privacy settings, it is likely that it is a friend of a friend.

You won’t be able to send a request to a friend of a friend without being that person’s friend first.

It is not that your account has been suspended.

If you have no connection with that person, then you’ll have to give up on adding that person as a friend.

If you are connected with the person in question on other social networking sites if you are friends with them there.

Request function has been suspended

You may end up being reported and have your friend request function suspended if you randomly keep sending friend requests to people you have no connections with.

It may be that you have sent a request to the wrong person or your friend may not be using his or her real name.

The suspension of your ability to send requests will be lifted after a few days.

We recommend using your real name when registering and to check the identity of the person before sending a request when possible.

Don’t forget to send your friend a message beforehand.


  • Request limitation
  • Suspension of your friend request function

In this article looked at the reasons why you are unable to send friend requests on the Facebook app and proposed the solutions.

This is not a problem with the app but rather with Facebook itself.

You should start by sending a message if you have reached the limitations on friend requests or if your friend cannot recognize you.

You are especially likely to have your friend request function temporarily suspended if your friend requests are rejected.

Even if you really are friends with the person, you’ll be unable to send a friend request for several days once the suspension is in place.

If you have been suspended and find yourself unable to send friend requests, you should consult your friend by other means.

I hope this article was useful for users of the Facebook app.
