(iPhone/Android)How to take over the account of Fate/Grand Order


You need to take over your Fate account when you change your mobile model.

Here are some points to take over the account.

Even you failed it, you might recover it.

Prepare for takeover your Fate account

You need to prepare before takeover your Fate account.

First, note your user information in case you failed to take over.

  • Fate app’s version information
  • Master’s Information
  • User ID
  • Password for the takeover number
  • Takeover number

Be sure to note the above 5 information.

You can check your version information on the left bottom of the title screen before log-in.

Be sure to note to check if you have updated to the latest version.

You can check your master’s information in the master profile from my room.

Note the name of master, birth of date, your current level, the number of servants, number of cards and number of stones.

Some part of the game information might be cleared or initialized.

In case of that, take note the number of items also to check it after takeover.

You can check the user ID in the friend research screen of friend page.

Note “your user ID”.

After taking note about the user information, issue the takeover number.

You can find the “issue the takeover number” scrolling down the page list of my room.

Tap “issue the takeover number” and set the password.Note the password and takeover number.

You are ready to take over! And be sure how to keep the information.

Save it in your smartphone, and send it to your e-mail and write it on paper.

In case your device gets damaged, you might not be able to see the information.

It is much better to keep the information in other devices.

After issuing the takeover number, download the Fate app to your new devices.

Click “takeover” on the left bottom in the title screen.

Enter your password and the takeover number and start to take over.

The takeover number can be used only once.

When you retry to takeover, issue the takeover number again.

In case the same number issued, click “reissue” and get the new number.

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What to do if you failed to take over

You might not complete the takeover even you entered the takeover number.

The reason might you failed to enter the takeover number or password.

In case you have taken over before, check if you use the ex-number or not.

If you have not seen the password setting screen during issuing the takeover number, you might have seen the ex-number.

If you have not set your password please click “reissue” and retry from password setting.

In case you failed the takeover even if you entered correct number and password, contact to the developer.

  • Fate app’s version information
  • Master’s Information
  • User ID
  • Password for the takeover number
  • Takeover number

Contact from the official website with the above 5 information.

Select your OS (Android or iPhone) and contact from “Inquiries regarding the disappearance of game data”.

It takes long time to research or recover the game data.

Contact to the developer as soon as possible.

Summary how to take over the Fate account

You can take over the game data by yourself or ask the developer to recover the game data.

  • Set your password and issue the takeover number
  • Request data recovery with information such as user ID or master name

First, try to take over by yourself.

In case you face to the error even if you enter the correct password and takeover number, contact to the developer.

In case of the recovery, take note the required information.
