Reasons why you are unable to download YouTube and how to solve the problem

The following reasons can be thought of when considering the causes for the YouTube app not downloading.

  • There are issues with the network settings
  • Your cache is full
  • There is insufficient free storage space on your device to install YouTube

In this article we’ll be looking at the different causes for you not being able to download YouTube and how you can fix this problem.

Please refer to this article when you are having trouble downloading the YouTube app.

Reasons why you are unable to download the YouTube app

There are issues with the network settings

The first possible cause you should consider when you are having trouble downloading the YouTube app is there being issues with your network settings.

There is a possibility that your airplane mode or limitations on your high speed data communication settings is preventing your download.

Your cache is full

We tend to overlook this, but your cache being full can also be a cause preventing you from downloading.

You should make sure not to fill up the cache of your internet browser such as Google Chrome or Safari.

There is insufficient free storage space on your device to install YouTube

There being insufficient free storage space on your device can also lead to a situation in which you are unable to download YouTube.

Insufficient free storage space on your device can also cause YouTube to lag or to run slowly so you should keep an eye on it.

What to do when you are unable to download YouTube

If there are issues with the network settings

If the cause of the problem lies in your network settings, you should review the various network settings on your device.

For example, you should check that you aren’t in airplane mode or whether there are any limitations set for your high speed data communication.

Also, when using a WiFi network, it may be that an unstable WiFi connection can be causing the download malfunction.

If such is the case you should try other means of internet connections such as another WiFi network.

If your cache is full

If the download is prevented by a full cache, you should empty the cache before reattempting to download YouTube.

Not too many people are aware that the cache has anything to do with downloading, but it is quite often that the cache badly affects downloads.

If there is insufficient free storage space on your device to install YouTube

If your device doesn’t have enough free storage space to install YouTube, you should delete unused apps to free up some storage space.

Maintaining a sufficient amount of free storage space can also prevent other hazards such as not being able to update an app or games running slowly.

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  • There are issues with the network settings
  • Your cache is full
  • There is insufficient free storage space on your device to install YouTube

There is a chance that one of the conditions described above is the cause behind YouTube not being downloaded properly.

If you ever encounter problems when downloading YouTube, knowing the causes and solutions beforehand would make it easier to cope with the issue.
