Possible causes and remedies for not being able to battle gyms because of server errors


In this article we’ll be looking at different causes for and remedies to the problem of errors preventing you from doing battle in Pokémon GO.

In Pokémon GO, you’ll be spending most of your time catching Pokémon or collecting items at PokéStops.

But it is also true that Pokémon battles are also a key feature, and that is why we go to the gyms as the only place where Pokémon battle can be done.

However, it is possible that you may not be able to do battle at the gym due to one error or another, so we’ll be looking at the different solutions here.

What are the causes for you not being able to do battle in a gym due to an error?

The network environment is bad

The gyms in Pokémon GO are the same as the PokéStops in that you need to be within a fixed distance from the gym to be able to participate.

However, in some cases there will be no reaction even when you get close to the gym, leading to a situation of not being able to battle because of an error.

There is a possibility that, when the network environment is unstable, your position isn’t properly located on the map.

Your Smartphone is under substantial pressure

An error can occur where the screen freezes when you tap on the gym.

When that happens, the screen remains frozen no matter what you do.

Not being able to do battle due to errors can also happen when your Smartphone is overworked.

The cause for this pressure on the Smartphone is data, including that of Pokémon GO.

When the data is compressed, the screen can become frozen at times.

Pokémon GO battery saver and energy saving modes can also put a burden on your Smartphone.

The server is misbehaving

The “not being able to do battle at gyms” error can occur when there is a problem with the Pokémon GO server that is managed by Niantic.

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What can you do when you are faced with the “not being able to do battle at gyms” error in Pokémon GO?

Play in a stable network environment

The network environment tends to vary when you are outdoors, so when you feel that the connectivity could be better you should either change location or wait a while before doing battle at the gym.

You should also keep in mind that the network environment can be especially choppy immediately after updates.

If your location information isn’t properly read, you should switch the location information setting on and off a couple of times.

Free up some data storage space

Unnecessary apps, photos and videos can place a burden on your Smartphone.

You should delete or move them to the cloud or onto an SD card.

You should also keep an eye out for apps running simultaneously.

Wait for the server to recover

There’s nothing much you can do here other than wait.

There’s no point in making a claim either.


What are the causes for the “not being able to do battle at gyms” problem in Pokémon GO?

  • The network environment is bad
  • Too much burden is placed on the Smartphone
  • The server is down

What solutions are there to the “not being able to do battle at gyms” problem in Pokémon GO?

  • Play in a stable network environment
  • Too much burden is placed on the Smartphone
  • Wait for the server to recover

I’m sure you’ll be able to overcome the “not being able to do battle at gyms” problem in Pokémon GO with these tips.

Also, this is really basic knowledge but, you should remember that players who don’t have a trainer level of at least 5 won’t be able to participate in gym battles.
