Reasons why you are unable to log into Shadowverse and how to fix the problem


In this article we’ll be looking at the different reasons why you aren’t able to log into Shadowverse and how to solve the problem.

New events and cards are regularly added to Shadowverse through updates.

Consequently, the size of the app will increase and some inconveniences may occur.

Updates and bugs are really two sides of the same coin.

You should try the following solutions if you ever run into logging in problems.

What are the causes for you not being able to log into Shadowverse?

You may end up not being able to log into o Shadowverse as a consequence of a variety of other problems.

The data compression caused by updates and network congestions brought on by a flood of accesses are also major factors.

This is especially true with major updates that include a whole new genre of cards and major events.

Although there is the possibility that it is just a problem on the admin’s side, you should try applying the corresponding solution provided below to fix the particular cause of the problem.

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What solutions are there when you are unable to log into Shadowverse?

Pick a time and place with a stable network environment when logging in

An unstable network environment can prevent you from logging in, and will gravely affect your playing experience even if you do manage to log in.

There is also a strong chance that you’ll be disconnected if the network environment isn’t improved.

You should change your location and, if this is immediately after updates, leave at least an hour before logging in.

Free up some data storage space /h3>

Extra storage space is needed when running an update to accommodate for the new data, and the larger the update the larger the required free storage space.

You should move or delete unnecessary data to ensure that you have sufficient data storage space.

Using a cloud storage service can be reassuring if you don’t want to accidentally delete important data.

Wait for the admin to fix the issue

Concerning problems on the admin’s side, there’s nothing you can do other than just wait for the server to recover.

You should check what kinds of inconveniences are occurring and avoid sending in complaints as they will only slow down the recovery.


What are the causes for you not being able to log into Shadowverse?

  • Unstable network environment
  • Insufficient free data storage space
  • Problems on the admin’s side

What solutions are there when you are unable to log into Shadowverse?

  • Pick a time and place with a stable network environment when logging in
  • Free up some storage space
  • Wait for the admins to fix the issue

Although not all causes of log-in related issues can be treated, you’ll be able to solve most of them yourself.

The admin will compensate any damage that you may have suffered from, so it is better to wait for compensation items rather than sending in complaints.

Not being able to log into Shadowverse is a problem that will continue to exist but it is important that you don’t panic and calmly deal with it.
